I had an interest in eastern knowledge from a young age. I trained in the Martial Art of Karate from the age of 16 onwards, going to the black belt levels. From the age of 21 I turned my attention more to the Healing and Spiritual aspects of both the Eastern and Western traditions. This led me to explore Meditation, Qi Gong, and Tai Chi Chuan. My continuous study has led me to many places, England, America, Europe, China, the Philippines, and Peru. I have worked with many teachers; Sheila Grandpierre of Tai Chi Alliance, Christopher Pei, master teacher of the Yang Family Tradition, Wu Tiang Shen of Nanjing, China, from whom I learnt the fundamentals of Qi Gong including the Divine Mother Qi Gong structures. I also studied basic Tai Chi forms and systems from Nanjing College of TCM as taught on their various programmes.
Further to this I researched the BuQi healing and Wuxi Qi Gong systems of the late Shen Hongxun, and I trained in the Pranic Healing System of the late Grandmaster Choa Kuk Sui.
A highlight of my efforts was in 2000 when I studied with the oldest then living member of the Yang Family, Yang Zhen Ji. For three weeks I trained with a small group in Beijing, China. I asked this Master ‘What can bring you to the deepest level in Taiji?’ his reply was ‘Xin Xu’ or ‘Empty Heart’. This had a profound effect, and the need for the acquisition of knowledge for the purposes of Ego Identity left me.
By far the most powerful influence on my growth and learning was the Spiritual Apprenticeship I served with Toltec Seer Don Juan. Through the Toltec Grail Teachings I experienced the essence of reality; Love. This experience then informed the founding of the JADE SUN SCHOOL OF TAI CHI AND QI GONG. [See ‘School Ethos’ Here].
I live in Wexford with my beautiful wife Rachel, and children, Sean, Saoirse, and Tara. Rachel and I co-founded ELYSIUM SANCTUARY where we practice and teach to further the healing and evolution of humanity
Tai Chi & Qi Gong Courses in Wexford
GARY currently teaches courses in Wexford.
Gary Collins Contact Details
Gary can be contacted on 087 2287708 or at [email protected].