White Crane QiGong SeminarWhite Crane Qi Gong Seminar

Introduction to the Powerful Internal Healing Method of the White Crane Qi Gong System

30th October 2022
9:30am – 6:00pm

Open to all Beginners – No experience required

We will learn to Connect awareness, breath and posture through our ability to consciously feel. This will lead to the following possibilities:

  1. Open the energy gates helping to gently release stress, anxiety and fatigue
  2. Ground, anchor, regulate and harmonise our energy creating an inner state of stillness and peace activating rejuvenation and self-nourishment
  3. Introducing the White Crane Method where we will move from Standing with the Self (the result of 1 & 2 above) into Engaging the Self and Opening this Self.
  4. We will study an active White crane movement of energy within the body and energy system, opening the doorway to the gentle releasing of diseased energies and the strengthening of weak areas
  5. The White Crane Method of making sure that diseased energy is released and grounding this experience

Date: 30th October 2022
Morning Session 9:30 – 1:00
Lunch 1:00 – 2:00
Afternoon Session 2:00-6:00

Fee €150
Venue: Elysium Sanctuary, Wexford Y34 Y628

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